The Best Email Automation Campaigns for Any Business

Automation should play a role in any email marketing campaign. After all, your goal is to attract a large number of followers. Ensuring every subscriber receives certain essential content is key to retaining subscribers. With the best email automation strategy and software, you can do so efficiently.

You’ll get the best results if you’re familiar with tactics for general and sales-focused email automation. No matter what type of business you run, the following tips are worth considering.

Drip Email Automation Should Begin With a Welcome Campaign

Sending welcome emails to new subscribers is a core email marketing best practice. First of all, nearly two-thirds of consumers expect brands to send welcome emails when they sign up for their lists. You’ll stand out (in a bad way) if you don’t send one. Additionally, welcome emails have been shown to yield higher overall engagement and revenue for brands.

Welcome emails are effective because they introduce followers to your brand and services. By providing a general context for the messages you’ll be sending in the future, you give new followers more reasons to continue opening your emails and learning about your business.

Fortunately, automation email marketing makes sending welcome messages to new followers extremely simple. This can also be combined with a drip email automation campaign to guide followers through a customer journey towards their first purchase. Just set up the welcome email as the first in the drip, and schedule follow-up content appropriately.

Use Email Marketing Automation for Re-Engagement

Email marketers should know that they’ll have followers who don’t engage with their content actively. After all, the average marketing email open rate across all major industries is only approximately 20.81%.

That doesn’t mean you should simply accept low engagement. With a strategy for the best email automation campaign, you can set up a plan to re-engage followers who haven’t opened your emails in a while. Highlighting improvements and asking for feedback are just two examples of the many ways you can use an automation email marketing engagement campaign to generate interest among subscribers who’ve stopped responding to your content.

Incorporate Rewards Into Your Sales Email Automation Strategy

Surveys indicate that customers are often happy to take advantage of loyalty programs if they offer genuine value. Additionally, rewarding long-time subscribers can boost overall brand loyalty.

Thus, you should design drip email automation campaigns which immediately send rewards to followers who demonstrate their loyalty in key ways. For instance, you may reward a subscriber for making a purchase, having followed your brand for a long period of time, or sharing your content with others via social media.

This type of sales email automation typically yields a high return-on-investment by improving customer relations and giving followers reason to make additional purchases. After all, if you reward a follower with a coupon, they’ll be more likely to visit your site and find other products or services worth spending their money on.

These examples illustrate three of the most effective ways to implement automation in your email marketing campaigns. By focusing on the best ways to set up email automation campaigns and organizing them ahead of time, you’ll work efficiently and maximize your ROI. That’s a goal all email marketers can strive for.

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