Verify the email addresses of OnePageCRM contacts with NeverBounce
Identify which of your OnePageCRM contacts have invalid email addresses with NeverBounce. When a new contact is created in your OnePageCRM account, NeverBounce checks the validity of the email address that is associated with the contact. Once a result code — valid, invalid, disposable, catch-all, unknown — is returned for the email address, a note with the result code is added to the specific contact in your OnePageCRM account.
How this OnePageCRM-NeverBounce integration works
- Add a contact on the OnePageCRM account
- Zapier sends the email to be verified with NeverBounce
- Zapier adds a note to the OnePageCRM contact with the NeverBounce result code
Apps involved
- OnePageCRM
- NeverBounce