• Product
    • Verify
    • Clean
    • Sync
  • Connection Type
    • Zapier
    • Dashboard
    • Javascript

Google Forms Email Verification Integration

Validate email addresses entered into your Google Forms with NeverBounce

Determine the validity of email addresses entered into your Google Forms with NeverBounce. When a new response is submitted in Google Forms, a new row is added to the bottom of your Google Forms Responses Sheet. The value in the email address column is then verified by NeverBounce. The email address’ returned result code — valid, invalid, disposable, catch-all, unknown — is then added to the Google Forms Responses Sheet in a custom column.

*Note: You may need to create a new column inside the Google Form Responses Sheet to store the validation result. We recommend keeping NeverBounceValidationResult as the column header *

How this Google Forms-NeverBounce integration works

  1. A new Google Forms response is recorded
  2. Zapier sends the email to be verified with NeverBounce
  3. Zapier updates the existing Google Sheets row with NeverBounce result code in a custom column

Apps involved

  • Google Forms
  • NeverBounce
  • Google Sheets
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