5 Best Practices for an Engaging Testimonial Page Design

To fully leverage the benefits of endorsements, you need strong testimonial page design. The following testimonial best practices will help you do so.

Most prospective customers who are unfamiliar with your products or services will want to confirm that your company is the right fit before hiring or buying from you. Thus, a testimonial page is crucial for online campaigns to succeed.

One of the best ways to make your testimonial page stand out is to get real reviews from your current or former clients. Client testimonials will serve as social proof and help potential customers understand why your product is better than the competition. 

Here are a few ways to make your testimonial page design more compelling to visitors:

1. Use Visuals in Your Testimonial Design To Reinforce Your Message

Incorporating visuals such as images and videos to your testimonial page instead of just text will make a tremendous difference in terms of engagement and conversion rate. For instance, studies show that the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. So adding videos and other visual content to your client testimonials page will no doubt make your reviews more compelling, thereby making them more likely to convert.

2. Model Your Testimonial Design On The Best 

Has any company in your industry successfully utilized client testimonials? Is there anything you can learn from their success?  

The best way to come up with testimonial page ideas is to study the websites of your competitors or other companies whose successes can inspire you. That will provide you with insight into how to structure and design a testimonial advertising strategy that is more engaging and connects with prospects in a meaningful way.

3. Use the Right Client Testimonials

No two clients are the same, and their experiences with your company will vary. Some will take their time to offer input and share stories of their experiences with your business while others will not comment or simply make generic remarks like “outstanding service,” “great job!,” etc. 

To attract the attention of prospective customers, you need to feature testimonials on your page that speak to their needs, i.e. testimonials that explain exactly how your products or services helped your clients. Vague comments won’t have much of an impact in convincing potential customers; specific client testimonials would. So choose what you feature on your page carefully. Reach out to your former and current customers through an email campaign, but make sure to clean your email lists first incase their emails changed.

4. Ensure Your Testimonial Page Design is Optimized For Mobile

Mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones have become popular tools for online research. And today, more people globally surf the Internet from mobile devices than from desktop computers (58% of site visits in 2018 came from mobile devices). 

There is no doubt that a significant number of prospective customers will be reading your website via their mobile devices. Thus, it’s critical to ensure that your testimonial page and other important product pages on your website are optimized for mobile.

Apply visuals and other interesting graphics to make the information on your website easier to read and digest on mobile devices. Also consider using AMPs for your testimonial page design, which are sites specifically designed for mobile.

5. Link to Relevant Sources

Linking to external and relevant sources will lend credibility to your client testimonials. The more information potential customers can find about your products or services, the more effective your testimonial advertising strategy will be.

If you think that a review is worth adding to your testimonial page design, ensure that you have sufficient information or proof to back it up.

Studies have shown that reviews from credible sources play a critical role in most online purchasing decisions. So linking to external positive reviews from your testimonial page will bolster the authenticity of your reviews and help build trust with potential customers.


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