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Velnet Designs

Internet Service Providers, Website Hosting & Internet-related Services company
223 Regent St Fl 6, London, Greater London, W1B 2QD, United Kingdom

Since 1999, has provided quality web hosting and internet services. We are one of the oldest best established small web hosting companies in the UK. Our focus is to assist customers in securing their place on the World Wide Web with unique presence. We will help you secure a domain name, host your content on stable pl...

Since 1999, has provided quality web hosting and internet services. We are one of the oldest best established small web hosting companies in the UK. Our focus is to assist customers in securing their place on the World Wide Web with unique presence. We will help you secure a domain name, host your content on stable platforms online today, and get your website live online with competitive UK pricing. Our experience includes working with a variety of evolving technologies such as Linux platform with cPanel. This is one of the easiest web hosting control panel software options in the industry. With software like this available at affordable prices customers can make the most of their web hosting packages. Hosting your site with means a personal service, not an automated service. You get to work with real people that understand your web hosting needs. Customers can have a positive experience building their brand with experts that will help you understand your needs. is committed to helping customers have a positive experience with their web hosting services and personalize support. If you are new to the idea of establishing a website or you are not sure what to expect with internet services, you can get trusted support from a team of experts who are ready to help. Now is the time to ask questions or learn more about why small and large businesses work with wen hosting services such as We feel it is important to go through this process with a personalized plan for the needs of the website you want to establish. There are automated options available through other providers. But, it seems like more customer services are becoming automated. This may seem convenient enough, but certain services should retain the one-on-one interaction. That's what we are doing here at We offer a multiple of ways for you to contact us with questions and concerns. We can help you develop more than just a brand. Your website helps people identify you and whatever services, products ...

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Email Verification
Email Format
Email Analyzer
Sync Email Provider
Company Information

Velnet Designs Company Information

Company Details

Velnet Designs Headquarters


223 Regent St Fl 6, London, Greater London, W1B 2QD, United Kingdom
Velnet Designs phone number


+44 7939276451
Velnet Designs revenue


$25 Million
Velnet Designs number of employees

number Of Employees:



Internet Service Providers, Website Hosting & Internet-related Services|Telecommunications|Telecommunications|Telephony & Wireless

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if Velnet Designs email addresses are validated?

Validating Velnet Designs email addresses can be accomplished using NeverBounce, a tool that simplifies the verification and cleaning of email lists automatically.

What is the email domain for Velnet Designs?

How can I reduce email bounce for Velnet Designs addresses?

Can I verify email addresses associated with Velnet Designs that are registered on my site?

Can I verify email addresses different from Velnet Designs?

What is the common email format for Velnet Designs?

What is the email format for companies similar to Velnet Designs?

What types of email issues can Velnet Designs Email Analyzer detect?

How can I know what is the estimated bounce rate for my Velnet Designs email list?

What defines good health for a Velnet Designs email list or any other list?

What constitutes a high bounce rate for a Velnet Designs email list or any other list?

What are the advantages of syncing Velnet Designs email provider or others with NeverBounce?

Why should I sync Velnet Designs email provider or my current email provider with NeverBounce?

What industry does Velnet Designs belongs to?

What does Velnet Designs do?

What are Velnet Designs social links?


Reach your target audience

An email address is your first line of communication with a customer. Make sure you reach them.

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Reach your target audience

An email address is your first line of communication with a customer. Make sure you reach them.