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South Bay Foodies

Grocery Retail company
760 S Pacific Coast Hwy, El Segundo, California, 90245, United States

We like to eat out, cook at home, sample beverages, and explore the diversity of culinary experiences that Los Angeles has to offer. We will grill just about anything and are not likely to turn down an invitation to a happy hour, dinner at your place, or a trip to try out a new restaurant. Michael is the Executive Editor for Sou...

We like to eat out, cook at home, sample beverages, and explore the diversity of culinary experiences that Los Angeles has to offer. We will grill just about anything and are not likely to turn down an invitation to a happy hour, dinner at your place, or a trip to try out a new restaurant. Michael is the Executive Editor for South Bay Foodies. In addition to scouting out and documenting good eats around LA, he relies on the wealth of knowledge that he finds in his fellow foodies. He says, "This web site comes together nicely with the help of my friends and family. You guys are the best!" Nicole is the main contributor for the fitness and healthy living web site What Skinny People Do". She is a leader in the battle of turning flab into fit. You can find her in Los Angeles coaching youth sports, counting calories on her body bug, or researching healthy recipes. Bryan enjoys experiencing the creativity and uniqueness of food from small "Mom and Pop" restaurants. He particularly enjoys learning about culture and believes that a good way to do this is to experience ethnic cuisine outside of your normal fare. For now, gourmet food trucks fits this need and as a result, he has become a devoted food truck chaser. You'll find him .

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Company Details

South Bay Foodies Headquarters


760 S Pacific Coast Hwy, El Segundo, California, 90245, United States
South Bay Foodies phone number


(562) 452-6565
South Bay Foodies revenue


$5 Million
South Bay Foodies number of employees

number Of Employees:



Grocery Retail|Retail|Hospitality|Restaurants

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if South Bay Foodies email addresses are validated?

Validating South Bay Foodies email addresses can be accomplished using NeverBounce, a tool that simplifies the verification and cleaning of email lists automatically.

What is the email domain for South Bay Foodies?

How can I reduce email bounce for South Bay Foodies addresses?

Can I verify email addresses associated with South Bay Foodies that are registered on my site?

Can I verify email addresses different from South Bay Foodies?

What is the common email format for South Bay Foodies?

What is the email format for companies similar to South Bay Foodies?

What types of email issues can South Bay Foodies Email Analyzer detect?

How can I know what is the estimated bounce rate for my South Bay Foodies email list?

What defines good health for a South Bay Foodies email list or any other list?

What constitutes a high bounce rate for a South Bay Foodies email list or any other list?

What are the advantages of syncing South Bay Foodies email provider or others with NeverBounce?

Why should I sync South Bay Foodies email provider or my current email provider with NeverBounce?

What industry does South Bay Foodies belongs to?

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