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Automotive Parts company
7657 Bramalea Rd, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 5V3, Canada

Matcor-Matsu is a designer and manufacturer of precision stamped and assembled metallic components for the automotive industry.

Email Verification
Email Format
Email Analyzer
Sync Email Provider
Company Information

Matcor-Matsu Company Information

Company Details

Matcor-Matsu Headquarters


7657 Bramalea Rd, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 5V3, Canada
Matcor-Matsu phone number


(905) 291-5000
Matcor-Matsu revenue


$81 Million
Matcor-Matsu number of employees

number Of Employees:



Automotive Parts|Manufacturing

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if Matcor-Matsu email addresses are validated?

Validating Matcor-Matsu email addresses can be accomplished using NeverBounce, a tool that simplifies the verification and cleaning of email lists automatically.

What is the email domain for Matcor-Matsu?

How can I reduce email bounce for Matcor-Matsu addresses?

Can I verify email addresses associated with Matcor-Matsu that are registered on my site?

Can I verify email addresses different from Matcor-Matsu?

What is the common email format for Matcor-Matsu?

What is the email format for companies similar to Matcor-Matsu?

What types of email issues can Matcor-Matsu Email Analyzer detect?

How can I know what is the estimated bounce rate for my Matcor-Matsu email list?

What defines good health for a Matcor-Matsu email list or any other list?

What constitutes a high bounce rate for a Matcor-Matsu email list or any other list?

What are the advantages of syncing Matcor-Matsu email provider or others with NeverBounce?

Why should I sync Matcor-Matsu email provider or my current email provider with NeverBounce?

What industry does Matcor-Matsu belongs to?

What does Matcor-Matsu do?

What are Matcor-Matsu social links?


Reach your target audience

An email address is your first line of communication with a customer. Make sure you reach them.

For 325 Matcor-Matsu Employees

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Reach your target audience

An email address is your first line of communication with a customer. Make sure you reach them.