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Mamma Maria's Ristorante

Hospitality company
231 King St W, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 1E6, Canada

Mamma Maria's was one of the first high quality restaurants in the area to realize that pizza is more than just a fast food. Everyone of the pizzas from the "Foccaccia" to the "Oceana" are incredible! After you try the 10 featured on the menu you can start to build your own. Mamma Maria's is the very essence of Italian cuisine, ...

Mamma Maria's was one of the first high quality restaurants in the area to realize that pizza is more than just a fast food. Everyone of the pizzas from the "Foccaccia" to the "Oceana" are incredible! After you try the 10 featured on the menu you can start to build your own. Mamma Maria's is the very essence of Italian cuisine, you will feel like your meal has been plucked straight from the Italian countryside. The menu has an outstanding variety of dishes to choose from, but one of the endearing features of this menu is the mix of classic and non traditional recipes. Tucked in the back of the restaurant is a beautiful private dining area perfect for Christmas/office parties or any special occasion. The beautiful patio off the private room overlooks the Thames river and can seat up to 50. In an age of restaurant chains you will be reluctant to leave the warm glow of this family owned restaurant. The fantastic, visually arresting cuisine, coupled with flawlessly attentive service makes Mamma Maria's the place to dine in Chatham-Kent. Lunch and Dinner reservations are not necessary, but highly recommended.

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Mamma Maria's Ristorante Headquarters


231 King St W, Chatham, Ontario, N7M 1E6, Canada
Mamma Maria's Ristorante phone number


(519) 360-1600
Mamma Maria's Ristorante revenue


<$5 Million
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