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Commercial & Residential Construction company
184 Mill St, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 4B2, Canada

We highly recommend Daryoush and his team to anyone looking to do a home renovation. My wife and I recently purchased our first home together and were quite nervous about the renovations. Daryoush and his team were on time and within our budget for our renovation and we are beyond thrilled with the results! He and his team are a...

We highly recommend Daryoush and his team to anyone looking to do a home renovation. My wife and I recently purchased our first home together and were quite nervous about the renovations. Daryoush and his team were on time and within our budget for our renovation and we are beyond thrilled with the results! He and his team are a pleasure to work with and he genuinely cares about making his clients happy. We are very impressed with the solid workmanship and trust him implicitly. We will definitely be using Daryoush for all of our future home renovation needs. with the results. They are hard working, efficient and came within our agreed upon budget. The quality of work is amazing and we would highly recommend them for your renovation needs. Thank you for all your hard work. I read below what someone wrote about Daryoush and am shocked by the 1 negative comment. My parents had NO issues.We would definitely contact them again for future needs. Daryoush was extremely professional. Thank you so much for all your hard work. We are loving our beautiful bathroom! Reading many Google reviews and after meeting with several contractors over a period of 2 years is why I chose to have Dave complete my work. If you are reading this review, I hope that this is the last review you read before picking up the phone to give Dave a call to schedule a quote. The work I had done was 2 bathrooms, new kitchen, new flooring throughout, paint and upgraded electrical which took 3 weeks. Yup! I said 3 WEEKS!! I wanted a new home and I made it absolutely clear when I met with Dave. This was more than a renovation. I wanted a transformation. When i met Dave, we walked through my condo and we itemized exactly what I wanted to have done. We put together a detailed contract carefully outlining each specific job that needed to be done and the cost associated with a payment schedule. We were unhappy with X contractor who couldnt finish our house renovation project. After six months we were desperate what should we do, finally we found IRemodel. ...

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iRemodel Headquarters


184 Mill St, Richmond Hill, Ontario, L4C 4B2, Canada
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(416) 825-2542
iRemodel revenue


<$5 Million
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Commercial & Residential Construction|Construction

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