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In-Town Gallery

Flowers, Gifts & Specialty Stores company
26 Frazier Ave, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37405, United States

Founded in 1974, the In-Town Gallery is one of the oldest cooperative galleries in the United States. Owned and operated by a dynamic group of local artist members, the gallery exhibits a diverse range of styles, mediums and price points. Because each member is selected through a double jury process, the caliber of their origina...

Founded in 1974, the In-Town Gallery is one of the oldest cooperative galleries in the United States. Owned and operated by a dynamic group of local artist members, the gallery exhibits a diverse range of styles, mediums and price points. Because each member is selected through a double jury process, the caliber of their original art is high, yet accessible and affordable. Several of our artists have received national recognition for their talent. The In-Town Gallery features original artwork by more than thirty local artists. A listing of our current artists is to the left. Click on the names and see a selection of their stunning work. At the In-Town Gallery, every day is an art show! The gallery is open seven days a week. When you visit, two member artists will greet you and are available to answer questions about the work in the gallery or to help you make a selection. And be sure not to miss our First Friday celebration. On the first Friday of each month, the gallery's Featured Artist program showcases the work of a different member artist or two. This special event is launched with an opening reception and extended hours. On the first Friday of November and May - twice a year - the gallery buzzes with activity as member artists bring in all new works. These two events are particularly exciting because the entire gallery is full of new art to celebrate the holiday season and the coming of spring. A great variety of media offers something for all tastes. At The In-Town Gallery you'll find: Oil, acrylic, and watercolor paintings; mixed media; assemblage; photography; pen and ink drawings; wood arts and furnishings; metal sculpture; jewelry; stained and fused glass; pottery; fiber and fabric art; and greeting cards made from original work. Visitors to Chattanooga are welcome at The In-Town Gallery! Chattanooga is considered one of the most family-friendly places in America to vacation. It is also an up-and-coming art-friendly city. Consequently, The In-Town Gallery is considered one of the best, ...

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In-Town Gallery Headquarters


26 Frazier Ave, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 37405, United States
In-Town Gallery phone number


(423) 267-9214
In-Town Gallery revenue


<$5 Million
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Flowers, Gifts & Specialty Stores|Retail

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