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Gabelli Value Plus + Trust

Finance company
6 St Andrew St Fl 5, London, Greater London, EC4A 3AE, United Kingdom

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of GAMCO Investors, Inc Mr. Gabelli is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Investment Officer of GAMCO Investors, Inc. He is one of the most respected investors in the United States and is a leading proponent of Value Investing. His proprietary Private Market Value with a Catalyst methodology has b...

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of GAMCO Investors, Inc Mr. Gabelli is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Investment Officer of GAMCO Investors, Inc. He is one of the most respected investors in the United States and is a leading proponent of Value Investing. His proprietary Private Market Value with a Catalyst methodology has become an analytical standard in the Value Investing community. Mr. Gabelli lead manages the GAMCO and Gabelli Funds value investing portfolios since inception. Mr. Gabelli built the Gabelli organization from its origins of Gabelli & Company, the institutional research boutique started in 1976. In 1977 he started GAMCO Investors, offering institutional asset management services through separately managed individual accounts. Mutual Funds were offered in 1986, the year following the firms first hedge fund launch in 1985. He holds an M.B.A. from Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and is a summa cum laude BS graduate from Fordham University. Mr. Gabelli is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). He is a member of the Board of Overseers of Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Mr. Gabelli is involved with a number of charity organizations. He is a long-time Trustee of the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States. Marc Gabelli is President and Director of GGCP, Inc. (The Gabelli Group), the parent company of GAMCO Investors (GBL:NYSE) and Associated Capital (AC:NYSE), where he is also a director and President. Mr. Gabelli is a senior portfolio manager with GAMCO. His focus is global, catalyst-driven value investing across all market capitalisations and industry sectors. His portfolio assignments have included hedge fund management since 1990 and traditional asset management since 1994. He has managed several Morningstar five star mutual funds, and a Lipper #1 ranked global equity mutual fund in the U.S. He helped lead GAMCOs initial public offering, built the GSI hedge fund platform, and expanded the business internationally, opening the Gabelli London and ...

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Company Details

Gabelli Value Plus + Trust Headquarters


6 St Andrew St Fl 5, London, Greater London, EC4A 3AE, United Kingdom
Gabelli Value Plus + Trust phone number


+44 2032062100
Gabelli Value Plus + Trust revenue


$10 Million
Gabelli Value Plus + Trust number of employees

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Finance|Investment Banking

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