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Cardinal Health Japan G.K.

Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company

Cardinal Health Japan was established in 2015 as a Japanese subsidiary of Cardinal Health Inc. Our core cordis products have been a leader in the treatment of coronary and peripheral vascular diseases for over 50 years. With its outstanding technology, products and human resources, it provides millions of patients with vascular ...

Cardinal Health Japan was established in 2015 as a Japanese subsidiary of Cardinal Health Inc. Our core cordis products have been a leader in the treatment of coronary and peripheral vascular diseases for over 50 years. With its outstanding technology, products and human resources, it provides millions of patients with vascular disease with advanced treatments and hopes for the future. Currently, in addition to coronary arteries, we provide a variety of products in the peripheral vascular area including carotid arteries, renal arteries, and lower limb arteries, aiming to be indispensable for Japanese medical care.

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Cardinal Health Japan G.K. Company Information

Company Details

Cardinal Health Japan G.K. Headquarters


Cardinal Health Japan G.K. revenue


$205 Billion
Cardinal Health Japan G.K. number of employees

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Hospitals & Physicians Clinics|Medical & Surgical Hospitals|Hospitality

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email addresses are validated?

Validating Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email addresses can be accomplished using NeverBounce, a tool that simplifies the verification and cleaning of email lists automatically.

What is the email domain for Cardinal Health Japan G.K.?

How can I reduce email bounce for Cardinal Health Japan G.K. addresses?

Can I verify email addresses associated with Cardinal Health Japan G.K. that are registered on my site?

Can I verify email addresses different from Cardinal Health Japan G.K.?

What is the common email format for Cardinal Health Japan G.K.?

What is the email format for companies similar to Cardinal Health Japan G.K.?

What types of email issues can Cardinal Health Japan G.K. Email Analyzer detect?

How can I know what is the estimated bounce rate for my Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email list?

What defines good health for a Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email list or any other list?

What constitutes a high bounce rate for a Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email list or any other list?

What are the advantages of syncing Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email provider or others with NeverBounce?

Why should I sync Cardinal Health Japan G.K. email provider or my current email provider with NeverBounce?

What industry does Cardinal Health Japan G.K. belongs to?

What does Cardinal Health Japan G.K. do?


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