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Burloak Tool & Die

Industrial Machinery & Equipment company
3121 Mainway Dr, Burlington, Ontario, L7M 1A4, Canada

Burloak Tool & Die LTD. Burloak Tool & Die Ltd. Established in 1980, BTD has over 35 years of experience in the automotive and appliance industry specializing in the design and build of progression dies, line dies, draw dies with heavy concentration in automated and progressive tooling for heat transfer components industry. BTD ...

Burloak Tool & Die LTD. Burloak Tool & Die Ltd. Established in 1980, BTD has over 35 years of experience in the automotive and appliance industry specializing in the design and build of progression dies, line dies, draw dies with heavy concentration in automated and progressive tooling for heat transfer components industry. BTD is known for superiority when producing complicated prototype parts for a large variety of industries. All tooling is designed in-house using (3-D) VISI software. We take pride in the fact that all the necessary tooling components including custom die shoes are machined in-house using our state-of-the-art CNC equipment. BTD designers have experience with machine design, automotive progressive dies, die transfer, and part development/prototypes. BTD is the go to organization for quality parts, quick turn around and on-time delivery. BTD has the ability to produce parts of any quantity while strictly adhering to drawing specifications and tolerances. Known for high quality prototype parts, it is a challenge to decipher if those parts were produced off hard tooling. BTD provides a full in-house stamping facility. Presses and feed lines range from 40 Ton to 800 Ton. BTDs in-house stamping department not only provides our customer with quality parts, it also provides added value, with spot welding, surface coatings, a robotic weld cell and a full assembly line. We are currently ISO9001-2015 accredited with our quality system continually audited by customers and other governing agencies. We strive to encourage a culture in our organization that teaches, There are no shortcuts to Quality. Our philosophy, in all aspects of our business, is to meet world-class standards. Our policy is to upgrade the skills of our employees, bringing our employees to their highest level of achievement. Our objective is quality and service to our customers. Burloak Tool & Die strives to exceed customer quality and cost expectations through improved controls by implementing continuous improvement programs and ...

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Burloak Tool & Die Company Information

Company Details

Burloak Tool & Die Headquarters


3121 Mainway Dr, Burlington, Ontario, L7M 1A4, Canada
Burloak Tool & Die phone number


(905) 331-6838
Burloak Tool & Die revenue


$6 Million
Burloak Tool & Die number of employees

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Industrial Machinery & Equipment|Manufacturing

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if Burloak Tool & Die email addresses are validated?

Validating Burloak Tool & Die email addresses can be accomplished using NeverBounce, a tool that simplifies the verification and cleaning of email lists automatically.

What is the email domain for Burloak Tool & Die?

How can I reduce email bounce for Burloak Tool & Die addresses?

Can I verify email addresses associated with Burloak Tool & Die that are registered on my site?

Can I verify email addresses different from Burloak Tool & Die?

What is the common email format for Burloak Tool & Die?

What is the email format for companies similar to Burloak Tool & Die?

What types of email issues can Burloak Tool & Die Email Analyzer detect?

How can I know what is the estimated bounce rate for my Burloak Tool & Die email list?

What defines good health for a Burloak Tool & Die email list or any other list?

What constitutes a high bounce rate for a Burloak Tool & Die email list or any other list?

What are the advantages of syncing Burloak Tool & Die email provider or others with NeverBounce?

Why should I sync Burloak Tool & Die email provider or my current email provider with NeverBounce?

What industry does Burloak Tool & Die belongs to?

What does Burloak Tool & Die do?

What are Burloak Tool & Die social links?


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